Custom Architectural and Sculpture Metal Fabrication

ACMF Incorporated

With over 15 years of diverse metal fabrication positions at Chicago-based design/build fabrication shops, ACMF Inc. specializes in custom architectural and sculptural metal fabrication for both residential and commercial spaces.


ACMF Inc. works closely with clients from developing schematic plans to managing the details and specifications required for the design’s execution. All project components are looked at to the smallest of details from concept to execution.



Every project is treated with a fine art approach and structural approach.  We use various welding processes to achieve successful fusions, metalsmithing techniques and custom surface finishes such as patinas.


With an understanding that all spaces have their own unique environment, ACMF Inc. treats every installation according to its own dimensions and specifications. All installations follow each site’s specific logistics and procedures throughout the installation.


Every restoration is treated with a fine art and structural approach. With an understanding of historic metal fabrication techniques and materials, ACMF Inc. works to preserve the integrity of the object throughout the restoration process.